2: Art History Timeline Last updated Apr 24, 2023 Save as PDF 1.11: Modern Architecture 2.1: Prehistory Page ID143475 Muffet JonesBiose State University ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 2.1: Prehistory2.2: Mesopotamia2.3: Ancient Egypt2.4: Ancient Aegean2.5: Ancient Greece2.6: Ancient Rome2.7: Early Christianity and Byzantine Art2.8: Early Islamic Art and Architecture2.9: Medieval Europe and the Romanesque2.10: Gothic Art and Architecture2.11: Early Renaissance2.12: High Renaissance2.13: Northern Renaissance and Mannerism2.14: Baroque Painting2.15: Baroque Architecture2.16: Golden Age of Dutch Painting2.17: The Rococo and Neoclassicism2.18: 18th and 19th Century Art2.19: Romanticism2.20: Realism2.21: Manet and the Impressionists2.22: Post-Impressionism2.23: Early 20th Century in Europe2.24: Modernism in America2.25: Abstract Expressionism2.26: Modern to Postmodern