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2.7: Core vocabulary list

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  • \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    Using the list


    Listen carefully to the pronunciation of each word or phrase in the vocabulary list.


    Repeat each word or phrase OUT LOUD several times until you remember it well and can recognize it as well as produce it. Make a list of the words in this chapter which you find difficult to pronounce. Your teacher may ask you to compare your list with other students in your class. Make sure to learn nouns with their correct gender! Beispiel: die Sprache fünf

    C. WRITE

    Write key words from the vocabulary list so that you can spell them correctly (remember that it makes a big difference whether you cross the Atlantic by ship or by sheep). You may want to listen to the vocabulary list again and write the words as they are spoken for extra practice.


    Learn the English translation of each word or phrase. Cover the German column and practice giving the German equivalent for each English word or phrase. Next cover the English column and give the translation of each.


    Think of word associations for each category of vocabulary. (What words, both English and German, do you associate with each word or phrase on the list?) Write down ten (10) associations with the vocabulary from the chapter. Beispiel: der Student/die Universität das Flugticket/das Flugzeug


    Which words are cognates? (Cognates are words which look or sound like English words.) Watch out for false friends!!! Write down several cognates and all the false friends from the chapter, create fun sentences that illustrate similarities and differences between the English and German meanings of these words. Beispiel: Nacht/night grün/green False Friends: hell = light, bright vs. Hölle = hell


    Which words come from word families in German that you recognize (noun, adjective, verb, adverb)? Write down as many as you find in the chapter. Beispiel: das Studium (noun; studies) der Student (noun; person) studieren (verb)


    Write out three (3) „Was passt nicht?” (‘Odd one out’) exercises. List four words, three of which are related and one that does not fit the same category. Categories can be linked to meaning, grammar, gender, parts of speech (noun, verb, adjective)



    These ideas are suggestions only. Different learners have different preferences and needs for learning and reviewing vocabulary. Try several of these suggestions until you find ones that work for you. Keep in mind, though, that knowing many words – and knowing them well, both to recognize and to produce – makes you a more effective user of the new language.


    Core Vocabulary

    The following presents a list of core vocabulary. Consider this list as the absolute minimum to focus on. As you work through the chapter you will need more vocabulary to help you talk about your own experience. To that end, a more complete vocabulary list can be found at the end of the chapter. Likewise, knowing your numbers, colors and fields of study will greatly aid your achievement of Chapter 1’s objectives.



    Im Unterricht                                                     In class                                                                        

    die Hausaufgabe (Hausaufgaben)                           homework

    das Klassenzimmer (Klassenzimmer)                      the classroom

    die Klausur (Klausuren)                                         exam (written during a course)

    der Kreis (Kreise)                                                 circle

    der Kurs (Kurse)                                                 course

    lesen                                                                 to read

    das Quiz (Quizzes, Quizze)                                   quizzes

    das Referat (Referate)                                          oral presentation

    sagen                                                                to say

    schreiben                                                           to write

    sprechen                                                                        to speak

    die Übung (Übungen)                                           exercise


    Auf dem Schreibtisch                                         On the desk

    das Arbeitsheft (Arbeitshefte)                                the workbook

    der Bleistift (Bleistifte)                                           pencil

    das Buch (Bücher)                                               the (text)book

    der Kugelschreiber / der Kuli (Kugelschreiber)           pen

    das Kurspaket (Kurspakete)                                   course packet


    Alles über den Computer                                     All about the computer

    anmachen / anschalten                                        to turn on

    ausdrucken                                                        to print

    ausmachen / ausschalten                                      to turn off (the light or TV)                         

    der Computer (Computer)                                     computer

    das Dokument (Dokumente)                                  document (word document, for example)

    der Drucker (Drucker)                                           printer

    speichern                                                           to save files

    die E-mail (E-mails)                                             email

    der Lautsprecher (Lautsprecher)                            speaker

    die Maus (Mäuse)                                                            mouse

    der Scanner (Scanner)                                          scanner


    Es ist Zeit!                                                         It’s time!

    der Abend (Abende)                                             evening

                am Abend                                                          in the evening

                abends                                                              evenings (usually in the evening)

    immer                                                                always

    das Jahr (Jahre)                                                  year

    niemals                                                              never

    die Minute (Minuten)                                             minute

    der Mittag (Mittage)                                              noon

    um / gegen Mittag                                                at / around noon

    die Mitternacht (no plural)                                      midnight

                um Mitternacht                                                    at midnight

    der Morgen (Morgen)                                            morning

                am Morgen                                                         during the morning

                morgens                                                            mornings

    der Nachmittag (Nachmittage)                                afternoon

                am Nachmittag                                                    in the afternoon

                nachmittags                                                        afternoons (usually)

    die Nacht (Nächte)                                               night

                in der Nacht                                                        at night

    nie                                                                    never

    oft                                                                     often

    die Sekunde (Sekunden)                                       second

    selten                                                                rarely, seldom

    die Stunde (Stunden)                                            hour

    der Tag  (Tage)                                                   day

    die Uhr (Uhren)                                                   clock, time

    der Vormittag (Vormittage)                                     morning

                am Vormittag                                                      during / in the morning

                vormittags                                                          mornings

    die Woche (Wochen)                                            week


    In der Wohnung                                                 In the apartment

    das Bad (Bäder)                                                  bathroom

    der Balkon (Balkone)                                            balcony

    die Küche (Küchen)                                              kitchen

    das Schlafzimmer (Schlafzimmer)                           bedroom

    die Wohnung (Wohnungen)                                   apartment

    die Wohngemeinschaft (Wohngemeinschaften)          student co op

    das Wohnzimmer (Wohnzimmer)                           living room


    In der Küche                                                      In the kitchen


                Dinge zum Kochen und Essen                             Things for cooking and eating

                das Besteck (Bestecke)                                        silverware

                die Gabel (Gabeln)                                               fork

                das Glas (Gläser)                                                glass

    der Löffel (Löffel)                                                 spoon

                das Messer (Messer)                                            knife

                die Tasse (Tassen)                                              cup

                der Teller (Teller)                                                 plate


                Dinge zum Saubermachen                                  Things for tidying up

                aufräumen                                                          clean up / tidy up

                das Spülmittel                                                     dishwashing detergent

                Geschirr spülen                                                  to do the dishes

                das Papiertuch (Papiertücher)                                paper towel

                der Schwamm (Schwämme)                                  sponge


    Im Badezimmer                                      In the bathroom

    baden                                                                to take a bath

    das Badetuch (Badetücher)                                   towel

    die Badewanne (Badewannen)                               bathtub

    die Dusche (Duschen)                                          shower

    duschen                                                             to shower

    der Spiegel (Spiegel)                                            mirror

    das Toilettenpapier / das Klopapier                          toiletpaper

    das Waschbecken (Waschbecken)                          sink


    Das Wohnzimmer                                               The living room

    der Couchtisch (Couchtische)                                 coffee table

    der Fernseher (Fernseher)                                     TV

                fernsehen                                                           to watch TV

    das Sofa / die Couch (Sofas / Couchen)                   sofa

    die Stereoanlage (Stereoanlagen)                          stereo system

    der Teppich (Teppiche)                                         rug


    Das Arbeitszimmer                                             The study

    das Bücherregal  (Bücherregale)                            book shelves

    der Papierkorb (Papierkörbe)                                 waste basket

    der Schreibtisch (Schreibtische)                              desk

    der Stuhl (Stühle)                                                 chair


    Das Schlafzimmer                                              The bedroom

    das Bett (Betten)                                                bed

    die Bettwäsche (no plural)                                     bedding (sheets, pillowcases, etc.)

    der Kleiderschrank (Kleiderschränke)                       armoir (for clothes)

    das Kopfkissen (Kopfkissen)                                  pillow

    die Lampe (Lampen)                                            lamp

    der Nachttisch (Nachttische)                                  nightstand

    der Wecker (Wecker)                                            alarm clock


    This page titled 2.7: Core vocabulary list is shared under a CC BY license and was authored, remixed, and/or curated by Zsuzsanna Abrams and co-workers (Center for Open Educational Resources and Language Learning) .

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