Deutsch im Blick (Abrams)
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Deutsch im Blick is an online, non-traditional language learning program for beginning and early intermediate students of German. It is quite different from your traditional language textbooks, so it might take some getting used to. However, you’ll enjoy learning German as long as you like to play with language, explore how vocabulary and grammar work together to create meaning, and are curious about the cultures of the German-speaking countries.
The main premise of Deutsch im Blick is that learning a foreign language should focus on learning language in use. Thus, all activities are guided by real-life, plausible language situations: How would native and non-native speakers use the vocabulary, grammar and sociolinguistic rules in everyday contexts to make sense of what others tell them and to make meaning themselves?
Front Matter
1: Kapitel Eins (Ankunft in Würzburg)
2: Kapitel Zwei (An der Uni)
3: Kapitel Drei (Der Alltag und das Studentenleben)
4: Kapitel Vier (Freizeit und Ausgehen)
5: Kapitel Fünf (Familie, Feste und Feiertage)
6: Kapitel Sechs (Durch Deutschland und die Welt reisen)
7: Kapitel Sieben (Gesundheit und Fitness)
8: Kapitel Acht (Das Traumleben. Beziehungen, Wohnen, und die Karriere)
9: Kapitel Neun (Was ist Deutsch?)
10: Kapitel Zehn (Auf nach Berlin!)
11: Ancillary Materials
Back Matter
Thumbnail: Neuschwanstein Castle at Schwangau, Bavaria, Germany. (CC BY-SA 3.0 DE; Thomas Wolf via Wikipedia)