2.6: Vocabulario- Números 30-100
- Last updated
- Feb 23, 2024
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- Page ID
- 240052
- Erica Brown, Alejandra Escudero, María Cristina Montoya, & Elizabeth Small
- SUNY Oneonta via OER SUNY
( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)
- Form numbers up to 100
Los Números de 30-100
16 dieciséis
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte
21 veintiuno
22 veintidós
23 veintitrés
24 veinticuatro
25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno
32 treinta y dos
33 treinta y tres
34 treinta y cuatro
35 treinta y cinco
36 treinta y seis
37 treinta y siete
38 treinta y ocho
39 treinta y nueve
40 cuarenta
43 cuarenta y tres
49 cuarenta y nueve
50 cincuenta
51 cincuenta y uno
55 cincuenta y cinco
60 sesenta
62 sesenta y dos
66 sesenta y seis
70 setenta
73 setenta y tres
77 setenta y siete
80 ochenta
84 ochenta y cuatro
88 ochenta y ocho
90 noventa
99 noventa y nueve
100 cien
17 diecisiete
18 dieciocho
19 diecinueve
20 veinte
21 veintiuno
22 veintidós
23 veintitrés
24 veinticuatro
25 veinticinco
26 veintiséis
30 treinta
31 treinta y uno
32 treinta y dos
33 treinta y tres
34 treinta y cuatro
35 treinta y cinco
36 treinta y seis
37 treinta y siete
38 treinta y ocho
39 treinta y nueve
40 cuarenta
43 cuarenta y tres
49 cuarenta y nueve
50 cincuenta
51 cincuenta y uno
55 cincuenta y cinco
60 sesenta
62 sesenta y dos
66 sesenta y seis
70 setenta
73 setenta y tres
77 setenta y siete
80 ochenta
84 ochenta y cuatro
88 ochenta y ocho
90 noventa
99 noventa y nueve
100 cien
- The numbers 16-19 and 21-29 are most commonly spelled as shown above, however, they can also be written as three words. For example diecisiete can also be written diez y siete according to the Real Academia Española.
- However, this does not extend to the numbers from 31 to 99, which *must* be written as three words. To form the numbers from thirty to one hundred, you take the multiple of ten below it, then put y, then put the units value:
- 31 = 30 + 1: treinta y uno
- 54 = 50 + 4: cincuenta y cuatro
- 72 = 70 + 2: setenta y dos
- 87 = 80 + 7: ochenta y siete
- Form numbers up to 100
Actividad 2.6.A
Los números
Actividad 2.6.B
Los números
Actividad 2.6.C
Text Only
A. Los números
- Which is the correct written form of the number 27?
- diecisiete
- veintisiete
- veintiséis
- setenta y siete
- Which is the correct written form of the number 16?
- diecisiete
- diecinueve
- dieciocho
- dieciséis
- Which is the correct written form of the number 95?
- noventa y cinco
- treinta y cuatro
- cincuenta y nueve
- sesenta y cinco
- Which is the correct written form of the number 43?
- treinta y cuatro
- treinta y tres
- cuarenta y tres
- veintitrés
- Which is the correct written form of the number 90?
- sesenta
- ochenta
- noventa
- setenta
- Which is the correct written form of the number 30?
- tres
- veintitrés
- trece
- treinta
- Which is the correct written form of the number 53?
- cuarenta y tres
- treinta y cinco
- cincuenta y tres
- sesenta y tres
- Which is the correct written form of the number 66?
- cincuenta y seis
- setenta y siete
- setenta y seis
- sesenta y seis
- Which is the correct written form of the number 76?
- sesenta y siete
- sesenta y seis
- setenta y seis
- setenta y siete
B. Los números
- Which is the correct written form of the number 82? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 67? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 91? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 74? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 38? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 26? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 55? ____________
- Which is the correct written form of the number 13? ____________
Contributors and Attributions
CC licensed content, Shared previously
- Los Numeros de 0-100. Provided by: Athabasca University. Located at: https://ocw.lms.athabascau.ca/mod/page/view.php?id=3067&forceview=1. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- Schoolyard. Authored by: Thor . Located at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/geishaboy500/570763679. License: CC BY: Attribution
- 28. Authored by: Lali Masriera. Located at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/visualpanic/300354032. License: CC BY: Attribution
- 95. Authored by: See-ming Lee. Located at: https://www.flickr.com/photos/seeminglee/142117574/in/album-72057594128077560/. License: CC BY-SA: Attribution-ShareAlike
- Ejercicios: Verbos -ar/ Nu00fameros 30-100. Authored by: SUNY Oneonta with Lumen Learning. Provided by: SUNY Oneonta. License: CC BY: Attribution
- Ejercicios: Verbos -ar/ Nu00fameros 30-100. Authored by: Lumen Learning with Freedom Learning Group. License: CC BY: Attribution
All rights reserved content
- Aprender español: Los nu00fameros del 0 al 100 (nivel bu00e1sico).. Authored by: Tu escuela de español. Located at: https://youtu.be/7VbPiUSXzLI. License: All Rights Reserved. License Terms: Standard YouTube License