9: Academic Argument Last updated Jul 22, 2023 Save as PDF 8.18: Assignment- The Role of Inference in Reading and Understanding Satire 9.1: Why It Matters- Academic Argument Page ID58179 Lumen LearningLumen Learning ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 9.1: Why It Matters- Academic Argument9.2: Introduction to Argumentative Essays9.3: The Argumentative Essay9.4: Argumentative Thesis Statements9.5: Introduction to Logical Arguments9.6: Logical Arguments9.7: Inductive and Deductive Reasoning9.8: Analyzing Arguments9.9: Introduction to Rhetorical Appeals9.10: Logos9.11: Pathos9.12: Ethos9.13: Introduction to Logical Fallacies9.14: Common Logical Fallacies9.15: Spotting Logical Fallacies9.16: Introduction to Counterarguments9.17: Formula for Refutation and Rebuttal9.18: Further Your Understanding- Refutation and Rebuttal9.19: Organizing an Argument9.20: Putting It Together- Academic Argument9.21: Discussion- Logical Fallacy Advertisement