2.6: Research
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In all honesty, I am unsure how to approach this issue. Every director has a unique process and the amount of research you do depends on the project and your individual process. On one hand, researching the history of the time period of the play, the playwright, and issues explored within the play helps you make informed choices and allows you to expand your knowledge of the human experience which are both very beneficial. In addition, in educational theater you want each play to teach your students about their history and culture and to that end research can be very beneficial.
On the other hand, most of the research you do will not be put to use and can often detract from other work that can actually help your production. Often artists feel inadequate and are worried that their show will not be good and research gives them something to do that takes their mind off of the stress and allows them to discuss ideas with their friends. However, this type of research is more about impressing others than actually accomplishing what you were paid to do. Spend your time planning how to successfully produce your show, formulate blocking, budget expenses, or volunteer and help your designers. This work will actually pay off and help you become a better director and leader. Unless the research you do helps you get into a creative zone or informs your creative choices, I do not feel it is necessary and can be counter productive. I know my theater teachers from the past (and probably your theater teachers) will disagree and will hate what I just told you.
Ultimately the research you do will help you the most in unifying the vision and direction of your design team. When you are researching create a folder for each designer. As you come across looks, sounds, designs that you like, place them in the folder for the designer that needs that information so that it can help guide them on their research. Once you have all of your information give it your designers and explain what you like about each component in the folder.