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Humanities LibreTexts

5.3: Dialogue and Reading

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Learning Objectives

In this section, you will be able to:

  • Say and write my phone number and home number.
  • Ask and answer about someone's phone number, age, and home number.

Dialogue 1 Asking about the Birth date

In this dialogue, Tariq and Farah are asking about their birthday. Listen to their conversation and then practice with your partner.

* In Arabic, you start with the date, then the month. Unlike the American way, the month then the date.


Asking about birthday
English Transcription Arabic
peace be upon you Assalamu Alaikum طارق: السَّلامُ عليكم
and peace be upon you Wa Aalkium Assalaam فرح: وَ عَليكمُ السَّلام
What's your date of birth, Farah? mataa eid miladik ya Farah?

طارق: مَتَى عِيدُ مِيلادكِ يا فَرح؟

On October 12th. And you? fi aktubar ithnaa a'shar wa 'anta?

فرح:فِي 12 اُكتُوبر و أنتَ؟

I was born on April 3rd Anna fi 'iibril thalaathah طارق: أنا فِي 3 إبريل
Thank you shkraan فرح: ًشُكرا
You're welcome efwaan طارق: عَفواً
Query 5.3.1


Read the paragraph below about Tariq. Then practice the reading with your partners.

man smiling while sitting and using MacBook

.طَارِق طَالبٌ يَدْرُسُ فِي جامِعَةِ بَغداد

. يَسْكنُ طَارِق فِي بَيْت في مّدينة بَغداد

، بَيْتُ طَارق في شارع عَدَن

(رَقَم بَيْتُ طارِق 5 (خَمْسَة

Practice Activity 1

Fill up a digital form with your name, birth date, and phone number in Arabic. For example, Facebook digital form.

Dialogue 2 Asking about Age

In this dialogue, Tariq and Farah are asking about ages. Listen to their conversation, read the text, and then practice with your partner.

Query 5.3.1

Practice Activity 2

Speak and practice with your partner.




Question in Arabic



I am

kam eumaruka?

كَمْ عُمرُك؟

How old rae you?




mataa eid miladik?

مَتَى عِيدُ ميلادك؟

When's your birthday?




w 'ant mataa eid miladik?

و أَنْت متى عيد ميلادك؟

and you when's your date of birth?



You're welocme.



thank you

Dialogue 3 اَلو مَن معي؟- 'Alu man ma'ay?

In this dialogue, Tariq is calling Judi to take doctor's address. Listen to their conversation and then practice with your partner.


Nurse answering a phone call at the reception desk in a hospital
اَلو مَن معي؟- 'Alu man ma'ay?
English Transcription Arabic
Hello   طَارق: آلو مَرْحَباً
Hi. who's this?   جُودي : أَهْلاً مَنْ مَعِي؟
I am Tariq Arabi. Please I want the doctor's address.   طَارق: أَنا طَارق عَرَبي مَنْ فَضلك أريد عنوان الطبيب
The doctor's address is close to Baghdad Street.   جودي :عنوان الطبيب قريب من شارع بغداد
What;s the street's number?   طارق : وما رقم الشارع؟
The Street's number is 10.   جودي :رقم الشارع 10
What's the doctor's address?   طارق :و ما عنوان الطبيب؟
Street 10, Aden Building   عنوان الطبيب شارع 10 بناية عدن
Thank you   شكراً
You're welcome.   عفواً
Query 5.3.1
Activity #1

Pretend you are the customer and your classmate is the local sports club representative.

You want to register in a local sports club. Create a dialogue with the sports club representative by providing the following information:

Your name (first and last name), birth date (date, and month), home address (house number, street name, city, and state), and phone number.

Activity #2

Search for a famous Arab soccer player, then write his name, where he is from, his age, what school he goes to, his family, and his shirt number.

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