5: Module 3- Writing Process Last updated Jul 1, 2020 Save as PDF 4.63: Assignment- Reading Journal Final Draft Submission 5.1: Why It Matters- Writing Process Page ID58974 Lumen LearningLumen Learning ( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) 5.1: Why It Matters- Writing Process5.2: Performance Assessment- Personal Analysis Essay5.3: Outcome- Topic Selection5.4: Text- How to Come Up with a Topic to Write About5.5: Text- Ways to Narrow Down a Topic5.6: Self Check- Topic Selection5.7: Try It- Topic Selection5.8: Outcome- Prewriting5.9: Text- Prewriting Strategies5.10: Presentation- Rhetorical Context For Yourself as a Writer5.11: Text- The Working Thesis Statement5.12: Self Check- Prewriting5.13: Try It- Prewriting5.14: Outcome- Finding Evidence5.15: Text- Support and Elaboration5.16: Text- Preliminary Research5.17: Text- Blending Source Material with Your Own Work5.18: Text- When to Quote, Paraphrase, or Summarize a Source5.19: Self Check- Finding Evidence5.20: Try It- Finding Evidence5.21: Outcome- Organizing5.22: Text- How to Write a Thesis Statement5.23: Text- Text Structures5.24: Text- Components of an Effective Paragraph5.25: Video- The Toulmin Model5.26: Self Check- Organizing5.27: Try It- Organizing5.28: Outcome- Drafting5.29: Text- Using an Outline to Write a Paper5.30: Text- Crappy First Drafts5.31: Text- Time Management for College Writers5.32: Self Check- Drafting5.33: Try It- Drafting5.34: Outcome- Revising5.35: Text- Respond and Redraft5.36: Text- Higher Order Concerns5.37: Self Check- Revising5.38: Try It- Revising5.39: Outcome- Proofreading5.40: Text- Lower-Order Concerns5.41: Video- The Change-Up Method5.42: Text- Proofreading Strategies5.43: Self Check- Proofreading5.44: Try It- Proofreading5.45: Putting It Together- Writing Process5.46: Assignment- Personal Analysis Essay5.47: Assignment- Topic Selection5.48: Assignment- Prewriting5.49: Assignment- Finding Evidence5.50: Assignment- Organizing5.51: Assignment- Drafting5.52: Assignment- Revising5.53: Assignment- Proofreading