2: Metaphysics
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- 2.3: A Spoonful of Sugar Makes the Misery Go Down- The Relief Theory of Humor
- In this chapter, we will explore just what could be going on here by taking a tour through the Relief Theory of Humor. First, I will present and explain the Relief Theory of Humor. Then, the main criticisms of the theory will be examined.
- 2.4: Got IT?- Introducing Incongruity Theory
- n the most general sense, the Incongruity Theory states that in order for something to be found funny or humorous, one needs to perceive a sort of incongruity. What’s an incongruity? Well that’s the big question and one that occupies and vexes many researchers (this author included). In the simplest and most general way of stating the idea, an incongruity is something that is unexpected, absurd, out of the ordinary, strange, or bizarre.
Thumbnail: The Universe is big (Unsplash License; Good Free Photos via Unsplash)