( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\)
Call a spade a spade 13
Call (someone) on the carpet 13, 14, 34, 72, 74 Call (someone’s) bluff 13
Call the shots 13
Can of worms, open a 13
Carry a torch (for someone) 13, 104 Carry the ball 13
Cast pearls before swine 13, 14
Catch (someone) red-handed [get caught red-handed] 14 Catch (someone’s) eye 14
Catch (someone’s) fancy 14 Change horses in midstream 14 Change of heart 14
Charmed life, lead a 14, 104, 118
Checkered past 14
Chew (someone) out [get chewed out] 13, 14, 34, 72, 74, 104,
Chew (something) over 14, 27
Chicken 14, 15, 16, 36
Chicken out 14, 15, 16, 36, 79
Chip off the old block, a 15, 83, 103, 117 Chip on (one’s) shoulder 15
Clam up 15, 103
Clean slate [wipe the slate clean] 15 Clean (someone) out 15
Clear the air 11, 15, 103
Climb/jump on the bandwagon 15 Climb the walls 15, 35, 36
Closed-minded 16, 66
Close shave 12, 16, 39
Clown around 16, 27, 43, 59, 103
Cock-and-bull story 16, 34, 71, 78, 104
Cold feet 14, 15, 16, 79
Cold turkey 16, 65 Come full circle 16 Come home to roost 16 Come off it! 16
Come out of (one’s) shell 16 Come out smelling like a rose 17 Cook (someone’s) goose 17 Cook up 17
Cool (one’s) heels 17 Cornered 5, 17
Cost (someone) a mint/ an arm and a leg 17, 69, 105, 120
Couch potato 17
Cream of the crop 17, 26, 28, 79, 90, 92, 104
Crocodile tears 17 Cross (one’s) fingers 17
Cry over spilled milk 18, 23
Cry/say uncle 18 Cry wolf 18
Cut and dried 18 Cut corners 18, 105
Cut off (one’s) nose to spite (one’s) face 18 Cut (someone) to the quick 18
Cut the mustard 18, 58, 96