Chapter 3: Identity
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Essay 3 Prompt- How Identities are Shaped
Throughout our exercises we have closely analyzed the importance of identity within our stories and within ourselves. Now it is time to take your exercises, journals, opinions, and personal experiences and construct an essay.
For this essay you will be required write a 3-4 page double-spaced essay that focuses on how identities are shaped. You do not have to use all four stories, but you must use at least two readings to support your claims.
Question to answer to generate THESIS:
How are identities shaped/constructed? What factors shape the authors identity? What factors shape your own?
(Example: "Identities are constructed through overcoming obstacles, becoming in-touch with one's culture, having a connection to one's family, and by accepting oneself for who they are." OR "Identities are shaped by our family, culture, religion, and education")
Questions to generate paragraphs:
- Are there similarities and/or differences between the construction of your own identity in comparison to those of the main characters?
- How do gender, culture, tradition, family, religion, class, “ability”, and society affect the construction of the characters’ identities?
- How does it affect your own identity?
- You may not want to respond to all aspects of identity.
- You may choose to focus on two or three factors that contribute to your identity(ie: gender and culture). However, you MUST discuss at least two stories.
Although I require and appreciate your personal reflection, please keep in mind that the purpose of this essay is to compare and contrast the construction of identities within the main characters, not just to write a personal narrative.
During our last class we reviewed our scoring rubric and discussed what was expected of you if you wished to receive a particular grade. Please refer back to that rubric to ensure that you are meeting all my expectations. Remember, you are all capable of writing great papers. You have all the tools; you just have to use them!
What this means: Write an essay that explores how people’s identities are shaped. Use at least two essays and a personal experience as evidence for your argument about the construction of a person’s gender, culture, tradition, family, religion, and class.
- This essay should be 3- to 6 double-spaced pages'
- Must use at least 2 readings from class and 1 personal expereience.
- Correct MLA documentation
- You must include a “Works Cited” list at the end of your essay. When you quote key phrases or clauses from your written text(s), you must provide parenthetical documentatio
Peer Review:
To receive full credit, you are expected to Read over 1 of your peer's essays and give them good feedback on their essay. You will be assigned a peer-reviewer on 9/23, and you will need to give them feedback within the week. Your peer review comments should go beyond what you liked or disliked about the text. Use these questions to guide your response.
- Is their an interesting hook? Suggest one?
- Has the author provided enough background information in their introduction?
- Has the author previewed the main points of the essay?
- Does the introduction end on a solid thesis statement that directly answers the prompt?
- Does each body paragraph begin with a solid thesis statement that directly states the paragraph's topic?>
- Does the author contextualize each piece of evidence by introducing the article title, author, and a brief summary?
- Does the the author provide enough background information to set up their quote organically? Who is speaking? When does this occur? Where ? Why?
- Does the author use specific quotes/ or personal experiences in their essay?
- Does the author analyze their evidence in detail? Are they explaining how their examples (both textual/ and personal) support their thesis statement(overall argument)?
- Does the author use organic transitions?
- Does the author use proper MLA format?
- Does the author meet the minimum page limit? Did they use the 2 required articles and one personal experience? Does the author include a proper MLA Works Cited page?
Due | For | Available from | Until |
Jun 25, 2022 at 11:59pm | Everyone | N/A | N/A |