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About 4 results
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Courses/Kapiolani_Community_College/CHN101%3A_Elementary_Mandarin_I_(Polley)/Elementary_Mandarin_I_Textbook/06%3A_At_the_Restaurant/6.12%3A_Lesson_5_Supplementary_Videos
    For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say ...For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say in Chinese that aren't in our lesson texts this semester. Take your time with these videos, and revisit them every once in a while to review, both this week and later on. Here's a glimpse of a sugar blowing artist at work on the streets of China, from the Aden Films YouTube channel.
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Languages/Chinese/CHN102_Elementary_Mandarin_II_Textbook/06%3A_At_the_Restaurant/6.12%3A_Lesson_5_Supplementary_Videos
    For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say ...For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say in Chinese that aren't in our lesson texts this semester. Take your time with these videos, and revisit them every once in a while to review, both this week and later on. Here's a glimpse of a sugar blowing artist at work on the streets of China, from the Aden Films YouTube channel.
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Courses/Kapiolani_Community_College/CHN102%3A_Elementary_Mandarin_II_(Polley)/CHN102_Elementary_Mandarin_II_Textbook/05%3A_Entertainment/5.12%3A_Lesson_5_Supplementary_Videos
    For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say ...For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say in Chinese that aren't in our lesson texts this semester. Take your time with these videos, and revisit them every once in a while to review, both this week and later on. Here's a glimpse of a sugar blowing artist at work on the streets of China, from the Aden Films YouTube channel.
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Languages/Chinese/CHN101_Elementary_Mandarin_I_Textbook/06%3A_At_the_Restaurant/6.12%3A_Lesson_5_Supplementary_Videos
    For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say ...For your video enjoyment this week, rather than just reviewing what we've already covered, I'd like to introduce some fun content related to learning Chinese, and some practical ideas for what to say in Chinese that aren't in our lesson texts this semester. Take your time with these videos, and revisit them every once in a while to review, both this week and later on. Here's a glimpse of a sugar blowing artist at work on the streets of China, from the Aden Films YouTube channel.

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