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About 5 results
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Courses/City_College_of_San_Francisco/Writing_and_Critical_Thinking_Through_Literature_(Ringo_and_Kashyap)/13%3A_Citations_and_Formatting_Guide_for_Literature_(MLA)/13.06%3A_Quotation_Paraphrase_and_Summary
    However, paraphrasing is also generally more faithful to the spirit of the original; whereas a summary requires you to process and invites your own perspective, a paraphrase ought to mirror back the o...However, paraphrasing is also generally more faithful to the spirit of the original; whereas a summary requires you to process and invites your own perspective, a paraphrase ought to mirror back the original idea using your own language. This is not a rule as much as a reminder to think critically about how much your writing relies on the ideas of others: unless the assignment is a summary or literature review, the emphasis should be on your ideas!
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Literature_and_Literacy/Literacy_and_Critical_Thinking/Writing_and_Critical_Thinking_Through_Literature_(Ringo_and_Kashyap)/13%3A_Citations_and_Formatting_Guide_for_Literature_(MLA)/13.06%3A_Quotation_Paraphrase_and_Summary
    However, paraphrasing is also generally more faithful to the spirit of the original; whereas a summary requires you to boil down a large piece of text into a sentence or two, thereby losing some nuanc...However, paraphrasing is also generally more faithful to the spirit of the original; whereas a summary requires you to boil down a large piece of text into a sentence or two, thereby losing some nuance, a paraphrase ought to mirror back the original idea using your own language. This is not a rule as much as a reminder to think critically about how much your writing relies on the ideas of others: unless the assignment is a summary or literature review, the emphasis should be on your ideas!
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Composition/Advanced_Composition/How_Arguments_Work_-_A_Guide_to_Writing_and_Analyzing_Texts_in_College_(Mills)/13%3A_Correcting_Grammar_and_Punctuation/13.14%3A_Using_Quotation_Marks
    Quotation marks (“ ”) set off a group of words from the rest of the text. Use quotation marks to indicate direct quotations of another person’s words or to indicate a title.
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Courses/Oxnard_College/Introduction_to_Literature_and_Critical_Thinking/09%3A_Citations_and_Formatting_Guide_for_Literature_(MLA)/9.06%3A_Quotation_Paraphrase_and_Summary
    However, paraphrasing is also generally more faithful to the spirit of the original; whereas a summary requires you to process and invites your own perspective, a paraphrase ought to mirror back the o...However, paraphrasing is also generally more faithful to the spirit of the original; whereas a summary requires you to process and invites your own perspective, a paraphrase ought to mirror back the original idea using your own language. This is not a rule as much as a reminder to think critically about how much your writing relies on the ideas of others: unless the assignment is a summary or literature review, the emphasis should be on your ideas!
  • https://human.libretexts.org/Bookshelves/Composition/Advanced_Composition/How_Arguments_Work_-_A_Guide_to_Writing_and_Analyzing_Texts_in_College_(Mills)/13%3A_Correcting_Grammar_and_Punctuation/13.15%3A_Fitting_a_Quotation_into_a_Sentence
    There are several ways to work a quotation into a sentence so that it flows smoothly and fits grammatically.

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