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5.3: Applying Your Research

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    \( \newcommand{\vecs}[1]{\overset { \scriptstyle \rightharpoonup} {\mathbf{#1}} } \) \( \newcommand{\vecd}[1]{\overset{-\!-\!\rightharpoonup}{\vphantom{a}\smash {#1}}} \)\(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \(\newcommand{\id}{\mathrm{id}}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\) \( \newcommand{\kernel}{\mathrm{null}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\range}{\mathrm{range}\,}\) \( \newcommand{\RealPart}{\mathrm{Re}}\) \( \newcommand{\ImaginaryPart}{\mathrm{Im}}\) \( \newcommand{\Argument}{\mathrm{Arg}}\) \( \newcommand{\norm}[1]{\| #1 \|}\) \( \newcommand{\inner}[2]{\langle #1, #2 \rangle}\) \( \newcommand{\Span}{\mathrm{span}}\)\(\newcommand{\AA}{\unicode[.8,0]{x212B}}\)

    Applying Your Research

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    At this point in your project, you are preparing to move from the research phase to the writing phase. You have gathered much of the information you will use, and soon you will be ready to begin writing your draft. This section helps you transition smoothly from one phase to the next. However, it's important to keep in mind that you should be writing as you're researching, and you may have to do more research as you get deeper into the writing phase.

    Beginning writers sometimes attempt to transform a pile of notes into a formal research paper without any intermediary step. This approach presents problems. The writer's original question and thesis may be buried in a flood of disconnected details taken from researched sources. The first draft may present redundant or contradictory information. Worst of all, the writer's ideas and voice may be lost.

    An effective research paper focuses on the writer's ideas from the question that sparked the research process to how the writer answers that question based on the research findings. Before beginning a draft, or even an outline, good writers pause and reflect. They ask themselves questions such as the following:

    • How has my thinking changed based on my research? What have I learned?
    • Was my working thesis on target? Do I need to rework my thesis based on what I have learned?
    • How does the information in my sources mesh with my research questions and help me answer those questions?
    • Have any additional important questions or subtopics come up that I will need to address in my paper?
    • How do my sources complement each other? What ideas or facts recur in multiple sources?
    • Where do my sources disagree with each other, and why?

    In this section, you will reflect on your research and review the source material you have gathered. You will determine what you now think about your topic. You will synthesize, or put together, different pieces of information that help you answer your research questions. Finally, you will determine the organizational structure that works best for your paper and begin drafting. Some writers like to outline their papers before they get started writing, while others like to start writing and organize their writing after they get a good amount of material down. Both of these can work, although you'll probably want to ask your professor if you're required to turn in an outline at some point.

    Selecting Useful Details

    At this point in the research process, you have gathered evidence, ideas, and information from a wide variety of sources. Now it is time to think about how you will use your source materials as a writer. When you conduct research, you keep an open mind and seek out many promising sources. You take notes on any information that looks like it might help you answer your research questions.

    Often, new ideas and terms come up in your reading, and these, too, find their way into your notes. You may record claims or examples that catch your attention and seem relevant to your research questions. By now, you have probably amassed an impressively detailed collection of notes. However, you will not use all of your notes in your paper.

    Effective writers are selective. They determine which information is most relevant and appropriate for their purpose. They include details that develop or explain their ideas, and they leave out details that do not. The writer, not the notes, is the controlling force. The writer shapes the content of the research paper.

    While gathering sources, you used strategies to filter out irrelevant and unreliable sources and details. Now you will apply your critical-thinking skills to the details you recorded, analyzing how they are relevant, determining the ways in which they mesh with your ideas and form patterns.

    One way to do this is to use the "source bricks" from chapter 1.3. Once you have a good number of source bricks from each source you'll probably use for your project, play with putting them in different orders or categories to see what they have in common and whether they differ. You could put them in columns by source and draw lines between the bricks with similar main ideas, or you could use an "idea map" website or app that helps you see a visualization of your main ideas and their relationships to each other. Give yourself the time to do this play and experimentation; give yourself the time to see where ideas are connecting across sources.

    Jorge's Research Paper

    As Jorge reviewed his research, he realized that some of the information was not especially useful for his purpose. His notes included several statements about the relationship of "farm teams" to the NCAA. While this is a related topic, Jorge realized that it was separate from where his research focused, which was on whether to pay college athletes. Jorge decided to cut this material.

    Do not feel anxious if you still have trouble seeing the big picture. Systematically looking through your notes will help you. Begin by identifying the notes that clearly answer your research question. Mark or group these, either physically or using the cut-and-paste function in your word-processing program. Eventually, an answer to your research question (or the question you should have asked) will start to emerge. This answer becomes your thesis for the project.

    As you identify the crucial details in the research that support your thesis, make sure you analyze them critically.

    Ask the following questions to focus your thinking:

    • Is this detail from a reliable, high-quality source? Is it appropriate for me to cite this source in an academic paper? The bulk of the support for your thesis should come from reliable, reputable sources. You've already thought about and made choices in the quality of sources you gathered earlier in the research process. If most of the details that support your thesis are from less-reliable sources, you may need to do additional research or modify your question and the thesis which answers that question.
    • Is the link between this information and my thesis obvious, or will I need to explain it to my readers? Remember, you have spent more time thinking and reading about this topic than your audience. Some connections might be obvious to both you and your readers. More often, however, you will need to provide the analysis or explanation that shows how the information supports your thesis. As you read through your notes, jot down ideas you have for making those connections clear.
    • What personal biases or experiences might affect the way I interpret this information? No researcher is 100 percent objective. We all have personal opinions and experiences that influence our reactions to what we read and learn. Good researchers are aware of this human tendency. They keep an open mind when they read opinions or facts that contradict their beliefs.

    It can be tempting to ignore information that does not support your thesis or that contradicts it outright. However, such information is important. At the very least, it gives you a sense of what has been written about the topic. More importantly, it can help you question and refine your own thinking so that writing your research paper is a true learning process. Remember, your research question is not set in stone. You can and should change your question throughout the research writing process if the evidence you find tells you that a different question will lead you to more information or if a different question makes more sense.

    If you find research that doesn't answer your question or seems to answer it differently than your other sources, you should carefully consider how information that challenges your thesis fits into the big picture of your research. It doesn't necessarily mean that you've got the completely wrong answer, but it may mean that you need to adjust the question or the answer slightly. You may decide that the source is unreliable or the information is irrelevant, or you may decide that it is an important point you need to bring up. What matters is that you give careful consideration to various perspectives and current research on the topic.

    PastedImage_03hitx308e4k88nom1skusvoqcjuysh9001312387949.pngWhen you create workplace documents based on research, selectivity remains important. A project team may spend months conducting market surveys to prepare for rolling out a new product, but few managers have time to read the research in its entirety. Most employees want the research distilled into a few well-supported points. Focused, concise writing is highly valued in the workplace.

    Finding Connections between Sources

    As you find connections between your ideas and information in your sources, also look for commonalities between your sources. Do most sources seem to agree on a particular idea? Are some facts mentioned repeatedly in many different sources? What key terms or major concepts come up in most of your sources regardless of whether the sources agree on the finer points? Identifying these connections will help you identify important ideas to discuss in your paper. Look for subtler ways your sources complement one another, too. Does one author refer to another's book or article? How do sources that are more recent build upon the ideas developed in earlier sources?

    Be aware of any redundancies in your sources. If you have amassed solid support from a reputable source, such as a scholarly journal, there is no need to cite the same facts from an online encyclopedia article that is many steps removed from any primary research. If a given source adds nothing new to your discussion and you can cite a stronger source for the same information, use the stronger source.

    Determine how you will address any contradictions found among different sources. For instance, if one source cites a startling fact that you cannot confirm anywhere else, it is safe to dismiss the information as unreliable. However, if you find significant disagreements among reliable sources, you will need to review them and evaluate each source. Which source presents a sounder argument or more solid evidence? It is up to you to determine which source is the most credible and why.


    Review your research questions and working thesis again. This time, keep them nearby as you review your research notes. Identify information that supports your working thesis. Identify details that call your thesis into question. Determine whether you need to modify your thesis. Use your research questions to identify key ideas in your paper. Begin categorizing your notes according to which topics are addressed. You may find yourself adding important topics or deleting unimportant ones as you proceed. Write out your revised thesis and at least two or three big ideas.

    Synthesizing Source Material

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    By now, your ideas about your topic are taking shape. You have a sense of what major ideas to address in your paper, what points you can easily support, and what questions or subtopics might need a little more thought. In short, you have begun the process of synthesizing source material, that is, of putting the pieces together into a coherent whole.

    It is normal to find this part of the process a little difficult. Some questions or concepts may still be unclear to you. You may not yet know how you will tie all of your research together. Synthesizing is a complex, demanding mental task, and even experienced researchers struggle with it at times. A little uncertainty is often a good sign. It means you are challenging yourself to work thoughtfully with your topic instead of simply restating the same information.

    Analyze how your notes relate to your major research question and the subquestions you identified at the start of the research process. Organize your notes with headings that correspond to those questions. As you proceed, you might identify some important subtopics that were not part of your original plan, or you might decide that some questions are not relevant to your paper.

    Categorize information carefully, and continue to think critically about the material. Ask yourself whether the connections between ideas are clear. Remember, your ideas and conclusions will shape the paper. They are the glue that holds the rest of the content together. As you work, begin jotting down the big ideas you will use to connect the dots for your reader. (If you are not sure where to begin, try answering your major research question and subquestions. Add and answer new questions as appropriate.) You might record these big ideas on paper sticky notes or type them into a word-processing document or other digital format.

    Planning How to Organize Your Paper

    You may be wondering how your ideas are supposed to shape the paper, especially since you are writing a research paper based on your research. Integrating your ideas and your information from research is a complex process, and sometimes it can be difficult to separate the two. Some paragraphs in your paper will consist mostly of details from your research. That is fine, as long as you explain what those details mean or how they are linked. You should also include sentences and transitions that show the relationship between different claims and evidence from your research by grouping related ideas or pointing out connections or contrasts. The result is that you are not simply presenting information; you are synthesizing, analyzing, and interpreting it. Your "source bricks" are a start, but you need to decide which ones go where, in what order, in what shape, and you have to create the language (or the mortar) that joins them together.

    As you begin to draft, you'll probably find that a structure is starting to emerge--as you gain expertise in your topic, you're also learning how best to order that information. Eventually, you'll have to decide on an order, or organizational structure, and make it explicit. For some assignments, this may be determined by the instructor's requirements. For instance, if you are asked to explore the impact of a new communications device, a cause-and-effect structure is obviously appropriate. In other cases, you will need to determine the structure based on what suits your topic and purpose. For more information about the structures used in writing, see the chapter on Rhetorical Modes of Writing.

    Jorge's Research Paper

    As Jorge began to write, he didn't pay much attention to order until he got all of his ideas out on the page. He is the kind of writer who needs to write a "messy" draft first before he understands how to order the draft.

    With that in mind, he planned the following outline.

    1. Introduction
      1. Background
      2. Thesis: Colleges Should Pay Their Student Athletes
      3. Supporting arguments for thesis, i, ii, and iii
      4. Body
    2. College sports are exploitative
      1. Their labor is worth being paid
      2. They have no contract and can be released for any reason
      3. Injuries are not covered and can cause release from team
    3. Many student athletes don't get the education they're promised
      1. Academic scandals
      2. Hours per day outside of class
      3. Athletic retention rates
    4. Paying students will reduce the amount of fraudulent "back-door" payments and benefits
      1. Food allowances aren't enough for athletes to get by
      2. Apparel and other companies tempt athletes with money
      3. They will be able to concentrate on the job instead of school
    5. Conclusion
      1. How it could work

    PastedImage_bp6wmglkt5ksqoo8d0pte1w5cxc6x3e7001312387949.pngThe structures described in this section and in the chapter on Rhetorical Modes can also help you organize information in different types of workplace documents. For instance, medical incident reports and police reports follow a chronological structure. If the company must choose between two vendors to provide a service, you might write an email to your supervisor comparing and contrasting the choices. Understanding when and how to use each organizational structure can help you write workplace documents efficiently and effectively.


    Review the organizational structures discussed in Rhetorical Modes. Working with the notes you organized earlier, follow these steps to begin planning how to organize your paper. Create an outline that includes your thesis, major subtopics, and supporting points. The major headings in your outline will become sections or paragraphs in your paper. Remember that your ideas should form the backbone of the paper. For each major section of your outline, write out a topic sentence stating the main point you will make in that section. You may find that some points are too complex to explain in a sentence. Consider whether any major sections of your outline need to be broken up, and jot down additional topic sentences as needed. Review your notes and determine how the different pieces of information fit into your outline as supporting points.

    Exercise: Share Your Outline

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    At this point, you should have a well-developed working outline.

    Collaborative exercise: Exchange outlines of your research paper with a classmate. Examine your classmate's outline to see if any questions come to mind and if you see any levels that would benefit from additional support, elaboration, or clarification. Return outlines to each other and compare observations.

    Writing Your Draft

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    At last, you are ready to begin writing a draft of your research paper. Putting your thinking and research into words is exciting. It can also be challenging. In this section, you will learn strategies for drafting your research paper, such as integrating material from your sources, citing information correctly, and avoiding misuse of your sources.

    Remember that you've already written a lot of material as you've been taking notes. In Section 4.6, "Applying Your Research," we discussed the idea of creating "source bricks" around important parts of your sources.

    This "draft" is your first attempt to bring them together into a somewhat cohesive whole, into a structure that begins to make sense, just as if you were starting to put actual bricks together into a building. Writers often work out of sequence when writing a research paper. If you find yourself struggling to write an engaging introduction, you may wish to write the body of your paper first. Writing the body sections first will help you clarify your main points. Writing the introduction should then be easier. You will likely have a better sense of how to introduce the paper after you have drafted some or all of the body.

    The Structure of a Research Paper

    Research papers generally follow the same basic structure: an introduction that presents the writer's thesis; a body section that develops the thesis with supporting points and evidence; and a conclusion that revisits the thesis and provides additional insights or suggestions for further research.

    Your writing voice will come across most strongly in your introduction and conclusion as you work to attract your readers' interest and establish your thesis. These sections usually do not cite sources at length. They focus on the big picture, not specific details. In contrast, the body of your paper will cite sources extensively. As you present your ideas, you will support your points with details from your research.

    Writing Your Introduction

    There are several approaches to writing an introduction, each of which fulfills the same goals. The introduction should get readers' attention, provide background information, and present the writer's thesis. Many writers like to begin with one of the following catchy openers:

    • A surprising fact
    • A thought-provoking question
    • An attention-getting quote
    • A brief anecdote that illustrates a larger concept
    • A connection between your topic and your readers' experiences

    The next few sentences place the opening in context by presenting background information. From there, the writer builds toward a thesis, which is sometimes at the end of the introduction and sometimes in the middle of the introduction, followed by a brief summary of the thesis' supporting arguments (the main reasons why or how the thesis is true). Think of your thesis as a signpost that lets readers know in what direction the paper is headed.

    Jorge's Research Paper

    Jorge decided to begin his research paper by connecting his topic to readers' potentially common assumptions. Read the first draft of his introduction. The thesis is in bold. Note how Jorge progresses from the opening sentences, to background information, to his thesis.

    Introduction Draft

    Paying NCAA Athletes: The Right Thing to Do

    "College athletics are rooted in the classical ideal of Mens sana in corpore sano—a sound mind in a sound body—and who would argue with that?" asks Taylor Branch in his essay, "The Shame of College Sports" (Branch 1). Taylor Branch references this time-honored ideal that to be mentally healthy one must put effort into the physical well being of their body. This ideal is the purpose for which college sports was founded. Unfortunately, the importance of the mind and its morality was drowned out by the want of profit. Thankfully in recent years many concerned individuals like Branch are bringing the many issues concerning college sports to public attention and suggesting their own solutions, including paying big-time college athletes. Universities that profit from their athletes should pay those athletes. These big-time sports are exploitative, too many student athletes do not get the education they are promised, and paying student athletes will reduce the amount of fraudulent "back-door" payments and benefits.

    Writing a Draft

    Draft the introductory paragraph of your research paper. Use one of the common techniques for writing an engaging introduction. Be sure to include background information about the topic that leads to your thesis.

    Writing Your Conclusion

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    In your introduction, you tell readers where they are headed. In your conclusion, you recap where they have been. For this reason, some writers prefer to write their conclusions soon after they have written their introduction. However, this method may not work for all writers. Other writers prefer to write their conclusion at the end of the paper, after writing the body paragraphs. No process is absolutely right or absolutely wrong; find the one that best suits you.

    No matter when you compose the conclusion, it should revisit your thesis and sum up your main ideas. The conclusion should not simply echo the introduction or rely on bland summary statements, such as "In this paper, I have demonstrated that." In fact, avoid repeating your thesis verbatim from the introduction. Restate it in different words that reflect the new perspective gained through your research. That helps keep your ideas fresh for your readers.

    An effective writer might conclude a paper by asking a new question the research inspired, revisiting an anecdote presented earlier, or reminding readers of how the topic relates to their lives. Revisit the guidance provided about conclusions in Chapter 2.

    Using Primary and Secondary Research

    As you write your draft, be mindful of how you are using primary and secondary source material to support your points. Recall that primary sources present firsthand information. Secondary sources are one step removed from primary sources. They present analyses or interpretations of primary sources. How you balance primary and secondary source material in your paper will depend on the topic and assignment.

    Some types of research papers must use primary sources extensively to achieve their purpose. Any paper that analyzes a primary text or presents the writer's own experimental research falls in this category. Here are a few examples:

    • A paper for a literature course analyzing several poems by Emily Dickinson
    • A paper for a political science course comparing televised speeches delivered by two presidential candidates
    • A paper for a communications course discussing gender biases in television commercials
    • A paper for a business administration course that discusses the results of a survey the writer conducted with local businesses to gather information about their work-from-home and flextime policies
    • A paper for an elementary education course that discusses the results of an experiment the writer conducted to compare the effectiveness of two different methods of mathematics instruction

    For these types of papers, primary research is the main focus. If you are writing about a work (including non-print works, such as a movie or a painting), it is crucial to gather information and ideas from the original work, rather than relying solely on others' interpretations. And, of course, if you take the time to design and conduct your own field research, such as a survey, a series of interviews, or an experiment, you will want to discuss it in detail. Interviews may provide interesting responses that you want to share with your readers.

    Secondary Sources

    Even if your paper is largely based on primary sources, you may use secondary sources to develop your ideas. For instance, an analysis of Alfred Hitchcock's films would focus on the films themselves as primary sources, but it might also cite commentary and interpretations by critics. A paper that presents an original experiment would include some discussion of similar prior research in the field.

    For some assignments, it makes sense to rely more on secondary sources than primary sources. If you are not analyzing a text or conducting your own field research, then you will need to use secondary sources extensively. As much as possible, use secondary sources that are closely linked to primary research, such as a journal article that presents the results of the author's scientific study or a book that cites interviews and case studies. These sources are more reliable and add more value to your paper than sources that are further removed from primary research. For instance, a popular magazine article on junk-food addiction might be several steps removed from the original scientific study on which it is loosely based. As a result, the article may distort, sensationalize, or misinterpret the scientists' findings.

    Jorge's Research Paper

    Jorge knew he did not have the time, resources, or experience needed to conduct original experimental research for his paper. Because he was relying on secondary sources to support his ideas, he made a point of citing sources that were not far removed from primary research.

    Incorporating Source Material into Your Body Paragraphs

    One of the challenges of writing a research paper is successfully integrating your ideas with material from your sources. Your paper must explain what you think, or it will read like a disconnected string of facts and quotations. However, you also need to support your ideas with research, or they will seem insubstantial. How do you strike the right balance?
    The introduction and conclusion function like the frame around a picture. They define and limit your topic and place your research in context. However, you may choose to wait to write your introduction and conclusion until after writing your body paragraphs, or "source bricks." Either way, as you draft your body paragraphs, you must express your critical thinking about the ideas and information that you incorporate from your sources. You must offer claims of your own that either challenge or extend points from your sources.

    In the body paragraphs of your paper, you will need to integrate ideas carefully at the paragraph level and at the sentence level. Use topic sentences and concluding sentences of body paragraphs to make sure readers understand the significance of any facts, details, or points you cite. In particular, you must continually explain how source material relates to your thesis. Indicate your interpretation of, and attitude toward, source material within and between sentences in which you summarize, paraphrase, or quote material from your sources. You will also include sentences that transition between ideas from your research, either within a paragraph or from one paragraph to the next. At the sentence level, you will need to think carefully about how you introduce your summarized, paraphrased, and quoted material.

    You have already learned about summarizing, paraphrasing, and quoting sources when taking notes. Here, you will learn how to use these techniques in the body of your paper to weave in source material to develop your ideas.

    Introducing Cited Material Effectively

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    Including a signal phrase in your text, such as "Jackson wrote" or "Copeland found," often helps you integrate source material smoothly. This citation technique also helps convey that you are actively engaged with your source material. Unfortunately, during the process of writing your research paper, it is easy to fall into a rut and use the same few dull verbs repeatedly, such as "Jones said," "Smith stated," and so on. Punch up your writing by using strong verbs that help your reader understand how the source material presents ideas. There is a world of difference between an author who "suggests" and one who "claims," one who "questions" and one who "criticizes." You do not need to consult your thesaurus every time you cite a source, but do think about which verbs will accurately represent the ideas and make your writing more engaging.

    The following list includes some possibilities, and if you type "signal phrases" into a search engine, you will get a number of solid lists:

    • argue
    • ask
    • assert
    • assess
    • believe
    • claim
    • compare
    • conclude
    • contrast
    • determine
    • evaluate
    • explain
    • find
    • hypothesize
    • insist
    • measure
    • point out
    • propose
    • question
    • recommend
    • study
    • suggest
    • sum up
    • warn

    Summarizing Sources

    When you summarize material from a source, you zero in on the main points and restate them concisely in your own words. This technique is appropriate when only the major ideas are relevant to your paper or when you need to simplify complex information into a few key points for your readers. Be sure to review the source material as you summarize it. Identify the main idea and restate it as concisely as you can, preferably in one sentence. Depending on your purpose, you may also add another sentence or two condensing any important details or examples. Check your summary to make sure it is accurate and complete.

    Paraphrasing Sources

    As explained in Chapter 1.3 of this textbook, when you paraphrase material from a source, restate the information from an entire sentence or passage in your own words, using your own original sentence structure. A paraphrased source differs from a summarized source in that you focus on restating the ideas, not condensing them. Again, it is important to check your paraphrase against the source material to make sure it is both accurate and original. Inexperienced writers sometimes use the thesaurus method of paraphrasing: that is, they simply rewrite the source material, replacing most of the words with synonyms. This constitutes a misuse of sources. A true paraphrase restates ideas using the writer's own language and style. Again, online paraphrasing tools/websites are a waste of time (Chapter 1.3).

    Quoting Sources Directly

    Most of the time, you will summarize or paraphrase source material instead of quoting directly. Doing so shows that you understand your research well enough to write about it confidently in your own words. However, direct quotes can be powerful when used sparingly and with purpose.

    Quoting directly can sometimes help you make a point in a colorful way. If an author's words are especially vivid, memorable, or well phrased, quoting them may help hold your reader's interest. Direct quotations from an interviewee or an eyewitness may help you personalize an issue for readers. And when you analyze primary sources, such as a historical speech or a work of literature, quoting extensively is often necessary to illustrate your points. These are valid reasons to use quotations.

    Less experienced writers, however, sometimes overuse direct quotations in a research paper because it seems easier than paraphrasing. At best, this reduces the effectiveness of the quotations. At worst, it results in a paper that seems haphazardly pasted together from outside sources. Use quotations sparingly for greater impact. When you do choose to quote directly from a source, follow these guidelines:

    • Make sure you have transcribed the original statement accurately.
    • Represent the author's ideas honestly. Quote enough of the original text to reflect the author's point accurately.
    • Never use a stand-alone, or "dropped in," quotation. Always integrate the quoted material into your own sentence (if it's not its own sentence).
    • Use ellipses ( . . . ) if you need to omit a word or phrase. Use brackets [ ] if you need to replace a word or phrase or add any explanation or clarification of the original.
    • Make sure any omissions or changed words do not alter the meaning of the original text. Omit or replace words only when absolutely necessary to shorten the text or to make it grammatically correct within your sentence.
    • Always explicate fully. As stated in Chapter 1.3, explicating is how you show a reader why that quote is important and what it means in the context of your argument. Full explication of EACH quote helps you establish your voice and avoid giving it away to your sources.
    • Remember to include correctly formatted citations that follow the assigned style guide.

    PastedImage_hcoehjwhgpy5ex74rz06ec17ognlgvew001312387949.pngIt is important to accurately represent a colleague's ideas or communications in the workplace. When writing professional or academic papers, be mindful of how the words you use to describe someone's tone or ideas carry certain connotations. Do not say a source argues a particular point unless an argument is, in fact, presented. Use lively language, but avoid language that is emotionally charged. Doing so will ensure you have represented your colleague's words in an authentic and accurate way.

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